As early as I can remember, I wanted to be an Art Teacher and in 1980 I qualified as an Art and Textiles Teacher in Birmingham. I enjoyed inspiring my students to experiment, have fun and to achieve their potential by believing in themselves.
I am now a full time Artist working mainly in acrylics because they dry so quickly and will mirror the qualities of watercolours and oils which I also love working with. More recently, I have explored a variety of other media to create new textures in my artwork.
Painting brings me great joy, gratitude and hope. My artwork is inspired by my childhood memories, extensive travels, history of art studies, meditation practices, music and regular walks with my lovely dog Gem. I simply love moving paint around the canvas and adding layers of colours and textures until a natural conclusion is reached. My knowledge of composition, colour, textures and mark making techniques help me to capture a moment in time or the essence of spirit.
As a contemporary Artist, I so enjoy painting intuitively. It´s like unravelling layers of spiritual emotions and I particularly enjoy it when someone resonates with one of my paintings by tapping into its magical connection or special energy. I believe that every painting tells its own story and everyone sees a painting differently. Most of my contemporary artwork can be viewed or displayed in different angles or profile bringing great versatility to the finished painting.
In contrast I love the precision involved in painting commissioned pet portraits. Clients love how I capture the true personality of their pets.
I am honoured to be a Purple Gallery Artist. This year I had five mixed media paintings selected for The Spring Exhibition at The Purple Gallery in Bournville, Birmingham.
As an experienced teacher I have created my own online art course called “Art Fit” which is suitable for beginners and those who would like to get back into creating art. I also run Winter Art Workshops at Blackwell Community Hall. This year they will commence on the first Saturday of December, January, February and March 2024. Further details are available on my website Art Lessons page.
As a result of last year’s Open Studio event I am now available to demonstrate my intuitive art process at Art Society Events.
Much of my artwork appears on my website www.janeastonstudios.com and I can also be found on instagram @janeastonstudios.