Winter walk, Froxmere, Crowle

Winter walk looking to Malvern

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The image shows last years workshop along a similar winter theme. I use Two Rivers 200 lbs handmade paper which is a beautiful forgiving surface to work on. It maintains the richness of the watercolour. Bring your own brushes if you have them but I supply all materials. I use artists quality Winsor and Newtons watercolour in tubes favouring cobalt blue, cadmium yellow, cadmium lemon, permanent rose and permanent magenta. Mixing can achieve any colour from this base. I work by laying down successive washes drying off where necessary with a hairdryer which gives good control. I like to create the illusion of light and distance. I also use wet into wet techniques. Once the washes are established to give colour and a tonal base the detail can be added and finally the tweaking and balance of contrast and shadow to produce a finished picture. In the day we will paint one picture and I will take you through the stages by demonstration. It’s fascinating that although we work on the same composition, all pictures differ and many interesting effects will emerge! I am happy to take complete beginners and all abilities beyond. It’s always fun to experiment with new approaches to the wonderful medium of watercolour!